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Is Your Divorce Imminent?

Is Divorce Imminent? Have you been served or are you afraid you are about to be? Please watch the video below about what to expect. Complete the Domestic Relations Interview Sheet and assemble the documents described on the Marital Assets and Debts list. If you have children of the marriage, also watch our video here. Be aware that decisions making affecting your children should always consider those children’s best interests. Please contact us to discuss representation.

If you have cost questions, know that no attorney can guarantee the time and expense in a divorce. We devised a Divorce Fee Calculator with the factors we have seen that dramatically cause the cost of a divorce to increase. Feel free to study the calculator which is an interactive program. Whenever you provide an answer that is not the default selected answer, the calculation will increase. This does not necessarily mean that will be the cost of your divorce if that happens in your case, but the more yous elect answers to questions that cause the Calculator cost to rise, the more expensive your case will be than if the default answer applied to you. We hope armed with that knowledge, you can plan to avoid unnecessary expense- increasing factors in your divorce. We are happy to answer any basic questions and to further assist with that we have assembled information on this site. Oklahoma’s First Divorce Attorney Fee Calculator as of 2015.

And, now, “You or Your Spouse Just Filed for a Divorce. Now what?”

Every Divorce: Assets and Debts

In every divorce, we must have a full accounting of the marital assets and debts. It is important that you know the assets and debts you have incurred during your marriage versus what was yours before the marriage that has not been co-mingled. If you are not familiar with these things, try to be as soon as possible. This will help you have a smoother and more cost efficient divorce. Before you begin your divorce, consider the information requested on the two worksheets here and here. These worksheets have been assembled by numerous lawyers in Oklahoma for the benefit of the public. It is helpful to attempt to locate as much of this information as you can and answer these questions before your meeting with your lawyer or shortly thereafter.

Also, please consider the personal property at issue in your divorce. To the extent these items can be separated by agreement of both parties, usually the better for all involved. When the separation of personal property becomes an issue, we also request both parties to complete an additional worksheet listing those items and their value.

It is important for your attorney to understand the reasons for your divorce and how those factors could impact the reasonableness, goals and objectives of the parties. As a practical matter, the Courts want an accounting and to help separate equitably the assets and debts of the divorce without addressing more personal issues unless it impacts children in a divorce.

Divorce with Children

Initial Custody Determination

It is always preferable if the parties can agree as to custody and visitation issues. First, you should consider who the primary custodian should be. Then, consider what time split arrangement will work best for the children based on their needs and the parents’ abilities. If this is expected to be a hot issue in your divorce, then begin preparation of your claims. List what you want that is in your children’s best interest as far as custody and time share. Then, list the reasons why this is in their best interests. List the strengths and weaknesses of each parent. Discuss with Ms. Cinocca what documents or other evidence will best prove your claims. There are many options possible.

Modification of Custody Determination

If you would like to modify a prior custody determination, you need to begin your preparation by listing every material change of circumstance that has occurred since the prior custody order in support of your request to change the custody or visitation schedule. A Timeline of events is especially helpful for counsel and your personal preparation for testifying in Court. Discuss with Ms. Cinocca the documents you have or which could be acquired in support of your claims.

Emergency Custody Determination

The preparation for a request for Emergency Custody is usually rushed. It is imperative if you seek emergency custody that you prepare as soon as possible when you learn of the potential for danger to your child or children. Prepare a Timeline of events in support of your fear that harm may result to the children if an emergency award of custody is not made. Contact Ms. Cinocca immediately and advise her or her staff that this is an emergency rush situation!

How Much Will it Cost?

The cost of your divorce will vary depending on many factors. Many of these factors are posed as questions to you on our Divorce Attorney Fee Calculator. Consider those factors present in your case. Notice the default boxes marked are the least expensive options. Remember, if you and your spouse agree, you can have us prepare the documents for an Agreed Divorce at a flat rate! This results in substantial cost savings for you.

All other cases are typically billed in quarterly increments paid from a prepaid replenishing retainer. During the first ninety days, many people are on an emotional roller coaster. They need time to adjust to their new situation in life and come to terms with the advice of their counsel. For those feeling crisis, much expense can be incurred during this time as well as for those parties who require a trial unable to settle amicably.

We have an excellent attorney fee calculator that can be found here, for your convenience. Our firm strives to meet the goals and objectives of our clients within their budgetary constraints and needs. It is expensive enough to pay a family law attorney without unnecessarily churning litigation when the cost to benefit ratio is low. Complex family law litigation is how our firm began in this practice area from business law clientele. So if you have a higher asset divorce, we can also perform those services for you while protecting the record for appeal.

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At Cinocca Law, we understand that family law matters can be complex and emotional. Our experienced attorneys are here to help you navigate the legal process and achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

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Tracy Cinocca