Tracy A. Cinocca P.C. is proud to bring you, the first Oklahoma Attorney Divorce Fee Calculator! We have developed this calculator as a public service to help individuals acquire a better understanding of the factors that can increase the cost of divorce. Like most attorneys, we make no guarantees; however, we hope that this calculator can educate you about:
1. The possible cost of a divorce in Tulsa and Oklahoma Counties; and most importantly, 2. Factors that can increase the cost of your divorce.
Costs for attorneys vary depending on billing practices and procedures, use of legal assistants or other personnel at lower rates, and the rate of the attorney versus that law firm’s efficiency. Rates are typically lower in smaller counties and towns than Oklahoma City and Tulsa, when you choose local counsel. We hope that this tool can help expectations and management in your divorce.
Before you press “Calculate,” the Calculator will require you to enter some information. It is ok to test the Calculator and simply say so in the Remarks section as much as you like! Please feel free to provide us with any feedback or use our Contact Us form.
We can review the factors in your divorce with you. We will discuss options to manage your divorce in the most cost-efficient manner possible. And, remember, if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can agree on terms, you can always pay a flat fee for the drafting of Agreed Documents that may be as low as $1,000.
Check it out for yourself here!